Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day-19 -23 - Insanity Challenge


I have not given up..I have been doing my exercises daily....Technical issues plus tiredness have prevented me from updated my blog recently.  I have a few injuries...My knees ache sooo I have toned down a bit on the jumping.

The exercise programe is just as intense at day 23 as it is at Day one...but hear this I a doing the exercises with fewer breaks.  I can't wait for my fitness test  thats coming up in the next week and a half.

I am doing this update at work (during my break... yes let me put in this I cannot directly post it to FACEBOOK..yeah I have restrictions at work with all social media...hheheh.  When I get home I'll post it to my face book page

And guess what I lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks....isn't that amazing...I am sooo excited... I have really began to see  the changes in my body.  So lets do the maths....this program is  8 weeks and if I continue to lose 5 lbs every 2 weeks that 20 lbs .....whaaaaaaaa excitement excitement........ and then a further 8 weeks 20 more lbs then another 8 weeks 20 more lbs...and then I am even closer to my GOAL.

I CAN DO IT....YES I CAN......

Thank you for those who have been encouraging me along the way, it has been an arduous journey...but I am committed to this challenge.

Look out for my blog today as well on Day 24....Yeahhhhhh

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