Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 12 and 13 -Insanity Challege

Ok so yesterday I was suppose to do the Cardio Power and Resistance but had a bit of technical difficulties...for some reason the video was not meIi tried everthing but it didnt work so I gave...up. But secretly I was because I was sooooooooo tired. I was so glad for the break. hehehehehhe...Dont judge me


I just finished Pure Cardio and I also had to do.Cardio Abs.   Cardio was ok...getting stonger...but the abs segment?  Oh my word it was a killer abs were burning.   There were two of the abs execises I could not was brutal. 

However given time...I will conquer.

Tomorrow is my rest day.  However on Monday I do my 2nd fitness test.....I am eager to see how I do and if I would have made any improvements.

I have definitely lost some weight not a lot but I can feel the changes in my body.  I'll reveal the before and after pics t the end of my 9 week challenge.... So keep reading.

Take Care

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