Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 5 - Insanity Challenge

And I'm still going strong.

Today I did Pure Cardio.....and thats exactly what it was..a series of cardio exercise designed to make you burn calories and build strenght.

I am doing much better...did a whole 20 mins before I took a thats progress.

I am really looking forward to doing my 2nd fitness test. I am sure that I will make some improvements from my last score.

I must say I am beginning to feel much better....

See ya tomorrow

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 4 - Insanity Challenge

Hi Ya'll

So today I did the Cardio Recovery.  Although it consisted mostly of  stretches and working on my core and thighs. It was just as difficult.

And I think to myself...what a wonderful no thats not what I was thinking..

I was actually this gonna get any better. 

So stick around and you will see.

OOOh and I did a video of me doing the exercises....haven't decided if I should post it....Should I?

Thank you for to you tomorrow

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3 - Insanity Challege

Yes...I have not quit.....

Just finished Cardio Power and Resistance and boy of doesn't get any easy.

However, I was able to go through the warm up without takng a break and progressed through the intervals ok...I wasn't going as fast as the guys in the video but I did my best to keep up despite aching all over from the day before.

Is this gonna get any that is the question. But I am going through this 60 days challenge.

Tomorrow its  Cardio Recovery ---yeah right Cardio recovery my I  did a preview of the workout and nothing in it looks like a recovery to

So stay tuned tomorrow for my update and please post your comments.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 2 -Insanity Challenge


So I've just completed the Plyometrics Cardio Circuit workout.....I am drenched in sweat lol

I gotta tell ya I'm pretty out of shape.  The workout is not hard to do....but for me who has not exercise is a while it was pretty intense. 

The work out was about 40 miniutes long inclusive of the warm up and cool down.  I had to rest a lot during the circuits causeIi felt like I was gonna pass out.  But I think i did pretty ok.

The highlight of todays workout was when my 2 year old daughter looked and me when I was taking my breaks and said "c'mon mommy lets go" not thats motivation.

I am eargerly anticipating the day when I can do the workout in its entirety.

Check back tomorrow to see how I did on the Power and resistance.

Looking forward to your comments.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1 - Insantity fitness test

ooooooohhhhhh weeeeee

So I've just completed the fitness test and boy oh boy did it kick my butt.  It consisted of a warm up session then a series of 8 exercises. Each exercise was done for a minute and I had to do as many as I can within that minute.

I gotta tell ya...after the warm up I was beat...but i pushed through.

Here are my results

Switch Kicks        90
Power Jacks         30

had to pause the videos and take a 5 mins break which i'm not suppose to

Power knees        80
Power jumps       17
Globe Jumbs        6

Had to take another break....felt like I about to pass

Suicide jump            8
Push up jack             4 ( OMG this one was hard)
Low Plank oblique   9   after my first 9 I literally crashed and waited for the rest of the minute to go by.


So we will compare my result of the next fit test I do in 2 weeks and see if there is any improvement.

Thanks for following........ and looking forward to your comments or tips on making this journey easier.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The decision

So today marks the day that I made the decison to get into shape.....

This decision came solely on the basis that I am a single mom over thirty with a 2 year old daughter. And while I am very confident in my own skin...and beside the fact that I  carry myself very well..its evitable that a person my age and weight is porn to all types of heart problems/diseases.  I definitely wanna be around for a long time to see my daughter grow up to be an amazing woman so I am doing my part to ensure that I am healty and fit to stick around for a loooooooont time by the grace of God.

So I've save some videos of the insanity workout found on You Tube and Im gonna be attempting them from wish me luck  I'll keep you update as I progress on this insane Journey.