Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Last Day of my 60 days Insanity Challenge

Hi Yall,

So yesterday Monday 28th of October 2012  marked the final day of my insanity challenge.  Yes i did follow through for the majority of it.  Of course there were many challenges, but I was determine to stick with it and complete the full 60 days.  If you were following my blog you would realised that I took a week off which was neccessary for me to prepare for an exam (life) but I jumped right back in.  So today I am showing you my before and after photos...I have not weighed myself to see how much weight I've lost and to me thats not really important. However, I have seen  significant changes in my body and I feel so much better.

Let me know what you think.  Please also bear is mind this is not the end  for me.  I am starting Round 2  on Monday November 5th.  I hope that I have been an ispiration to some..and would like to encourage you to live a healty lifestyle..I am not perfect but I am trying for the save of my daughter because I want to be around for a loooong time to see her grow into an amaxing woman...so here goes....



Sorry about the poor picture quality......SO SEE YOU NEXT WEEK...

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